Tor y Foel 2012 Sat 14th January         Results         Pics from Gerry Ashton

Talybont resident Les Williams chose a sharp, bright day to introduce his new South Wales Winter League race. Starting and finishing on Talybont dam wall, Tor y Foel offers plenty of flat running along the ancient dram road as well as the steep climb and descent to and from the bare mountain’s summit.
Gareth Hurst took out the early running along the dram road and through the foothills with Ben Moon and Ian Cait in his wake. Ben nosed in front at the start of the steep bit and stayed there despite a tumble on the iciest and boggiest stretch of the descent. “My first ever win” reported Ben over hot tea and biscuits back at HQ. “I’ve been in Norfolk the last three months, so haven’t done much mountain training lately!”
Emma Hitchens is racing sparingly so far this season, but followed up her decisive Sugar Loaf win with another good performance, and according to eye witnesses was the only combatant to run the steeper slopes. Ever reliable Vanessa Lawson took second with another reliable Alice Bedwell right on her tail.
Dick Finch 16-01-12