New course record set by Matthew James

Matthew James of Hereford Couriers set a new course record by the narrowest of margins - 1 second – over the testing 5 mile course. 53 runners from as far afield as Portland, Cardiff and Northampton were attracted to Longtown on Saturday 20th June for the fourth ‘Darrens Dash’ charity fell race based at Longtown Outdoor Education Centre and hosted jointly by the Outdoor Centre and Wye Valley Runners.
Conditions were ideal with a light, cooling wind and firm ground underfoot. The run began with a 900 ft ascent of the zig-zag path between the Red and Black Darrens up to the Offa’s Dyke path. Most runners were forced to walk at least part of their way due to the steep ascent. After turning south the runners were rewarded with 2 miles of level running and great views across the Black Mountains. The descent to the Olchon Valley was fast and furious and James pulled away strongly on the descent from Tim Hindle of Brecon A.C. Having crossed the Olchon River, a steep finishing section led up to the finish field where spectators watched Hindle try in vain to gain ground on James who crossed the finish line in the new record time of 34.12. Third over the line was in-form Tim Iveson of Builth & Distric runners.
The first lady home in 9th place was Ann Dixon of Forest of Dean A.C., whilst the first junior runner home in 17th place was Daniel King of host club Wye Valley Runners. Places were also fiercely contested in the parallel event – the Courthouse Canter, a Family fun run on an undulating multi-terrain course in the centre grounds.
Thanks to the efforts of everyone involved more than £700.00 was raised for St. Michael’s Hospice and the Longtown O.E.C. Bursary Fund.
Full results can be viewed on-line at


1st Male			Matthew James (Hereford Couriers)	34.12

2nd Male			Tim Hindle (Brecon A.C.)		34.39

3rd Male			Tim Iveson (Buith & District)		35.00

1st Female			Ann Nixon (Forest of Dean A.C)		38.58

2nd Female			Angela Jones (Brecon A.C.)		40.30

3rd Female		 	Claire Conway (Wye Valley Runners)	42.07

1st Veteran Male 40	        Tim Hindle (Brecon A.C.)	        34.39	

1st Veteran Male 50	        Lyndon Gwilllym (Unattached)		39.08
1st Veteran Male 60	        Gary Gunner (Croft Ambrey)		41.48	
1st Veteran Female	40	Angela Jones (Brecon A.C.)		40.30

1st Veteran Female	50	Ann Nixon (Forest of Dean A.C)		38.58

1st Junior			Daniel King (Wye Valley Runners)	40.43

1st Local Male		Harry Franklin (Wye Valley Runners)	        46.15

1st Local Female		Laurianne McKenzie (Wye Valley)	      1.02.50

1 km

1st 				Holly Porter				 6.25
2nd 				David Pritchard				 6.50
3rd				Tom Smith				 6.53

2 km

1st				Arum Jones				 9.05
2nd				Cameron Morgan				 9.34
3rd 				Iona Prosser				10.02

5 km

1st				Ellie Jones				23.19