Tour of Torpantau        Sat 10th March 2018        Results

During the few days leading up to the race I warned prospective competitors about the forecast adverse weather conditions, specifically the likelihood of very poor visibility and low temperatures – and this forecast proved to be correct. Despite this warning, 31 runners turned up and assured me that they were navigationally competent…….. well, the evidence suggests otherwise.
Torpantau and its environs presents a featureless terrain requiring people to take great care as it’s all too easy to go astray, and so it proved with a gaggle of runners deciding to visit Cairn Pica (I believe), with others finding the checkpoints more by luck than judgement.
There was no chance of any records being broken today with times slower than those normally expected.

Thanks as always to my stalwart marshals, Derek Thornley who got exceedingly wet crouched down on Cribyn and Dave Austin who had slightly more cover on Fan y Big and Gareth Jones who, as sweeper, tried to shepherd the runners along the correct course.