Pen Tir Drop       Sun 11th February        Results

Despite weather forecasts of -11 deg. wind-chill, high winds and heavy snow showers, a window of quieter weather heralded the start of the Pen Tir Drop Fell race. Strong breezes on the tops, still afforded fine views of the surrounding snowy hills. Conditions were slippery after the recent rain but no heroics through the briar patch this year, just muddy legs. Only after the last runners returned, did the snow showers return ! 41 runners set off (29 men and 12 women) and 41 returned to devour the fine range of cakes that co-organiser Karen had home-baked. Many thanks again to Kay and Martin Lucas for marshalling on the hill, especially Kay who was at the chilly turnaround point, Andy Creber for organising the car park and Rob Brown for manning the road gate.

No race records this year, with winners Evan Davies, MU/23, unattached, recording 34 mins. 18 secs., and Sophie Horrocks, SF, of Rossendale with 37 mins. 37 secs. 1st MV40 Andy Horlick of FODAC, 1st MV50 Paul Jeggo of Springfield, 1st MV60 Nick Dallimore of MDC, 1st MV70 Les Williams of Eryri. 1st FV40 Helen Brown of Mynydd Du, 1st FV50 Rona Davies of Mynydd Du, 1st FV60 Caroline Dallimore of MDC. Thank you for all your support. Regards. Gareth & Karen.