Llyn y Fan       Sat 11th November      Results

39 competitors braved low cloud and soggy conditions to find their way around the Mynydd Du and Llyn y Fan Fawr this weekend: 5.5 miles with an ample 2342 ft of climb.

Dan Doherty (Mynydd Du) led from the start (see video clip on our Facebook page -WFRA and other local races - thanks to Kean Rowlands for some interesting viewing and commentary!).
Reports at the finish reflected that during the race no one seemed to have a clue where anyone else was and people emerged from all kinds of unexpected directions at the end.
Dan lost his lead to Jez Brown (Buckley) who was back in 50.06 (course record now set) who seemed surprised to be first back, as Dan got slightly misplaced in the cloud.

Hayley Evans (again of Buckley) was first lady home in 63.06 (course record) having shaken off her rivals who had headed off away in the clag in some other direction than the finish line. Well done Jez and Hayley.
2nd woman home was Rhian Probert and 3rd Rona Davies (both Mynydd Du).
2nd man Dan Doherty (Mynydd Du) and 3rd man Matt Stott (MDC). Well done all.

Category winners for the women were as follows:
Naomi Law (over 40), Bev Tucker (over 50), both Mynydd Du.
And for the men:
Billy Starling (under 23), Dan Sandford (over 40), Paul Tucker (over 50), John Aggleton (over 60), John Morris (over 70).
Well done all. Great to see some fantastic adventurous running from young and old. Inspiring. Thanks to our stalwart marshal on the hill Caz the Hat (Carwyn Phillips) and John Darby who did a great job trying to sweep a dispersed field!
See you next year.       Diolch pawb. Sasha Habgood.      

       Map       Picture

Final counter in the WFRA Open Champs and SW series.
12 noon start in the carpark 1.5miles east of Llandeusant Youth Hostel (follow signs to Llyn y Fan) £5 on day only, FULL KIT..Please car share if possible as car parking is limited and allow lots of time for the lanes.
Prize giving and WFRA AGM, food, cakes and hot drinks in Llandeusant Village Hall SA19 9YB (possible to park carefully on road if carpark full). Please note this is a new race route so a recce is recommended. See you there! Sasha Habgood 07901808537