Jubilee Plunge      27th December 2015 (not in calendar)      Results

In spite of all the foul weather we've been having recently, the rain stopped, the wind dropped and the skies cleared in time for this annual downhill gallop to be run in reasonable conditions. Even so, the ground remained saturated and the going very slippy, a combination that saw most of the field to descend at least part of the way on their backsides. A tight finish saw the first six runners cross the line within 20 seconds of each other. First to make it across the line was Sam Harrison of Bowland (11.22) closely pursued by Tom Roo (Mercia 11.27) and Chris Atherton (Ambleside 11.28). Louise Beetlestone (Eryri 14.50) was the first lady home followed by Emma Collins (Denbigh 15.19) and Victoria Whitehead (Denbigh 15.23)

Many thanks to the race marshals for their help and support