Green Green Grass of Home       Wed July 26th      Results

A field of 89 runners set off on a dry summer’s evening for this 5 mile fell race overlooking the Vale of Clwyd. The runners wound their up and down the Clwydian Hills following some rarely trodden sheep tracks and across open hill. The bracken was, in places taller, than some of the competitors but everyone emerged to make the final steep descent and dash to the finish.

Jez Brown(Buckley) brought the field home in 40.37 with Stephen Corbishley not far behind in 41.06. Third home was Tony Wood (Denbigh Harriers) in 42.54. Laura Riches (Buckley) set a new women’s record for the route in 47.37 with Mary Gillie (Clwydian Range Runners) 48.00 and Gemma Moore (NWRRC) 48.27 in close pursuit.

Many thanks to the race marshals who ensured the runners found their way around the course, to Colin and Helen at the Golden Lion for accommodating the race HQ and to all the runners who took part in this very enjoyable summer race.