Eskdale Elevation; 13 miles/4471 feet; AL; Saturday 14th April 2018       Results

Although we didn't have last year's conditions of sparkling sunshine and of dryness underfoot, which was reflected in this year's slower times, it was nevertheless a very pleasant day indeed for running and sixty-three runners turned up at the Brook House to take advantage of it.

Prominent among the starters was the notable figure of Ian Holmes, who duly proceeded to take the race by the scruff of its neck and come home first after a fine run, outside the magic time of two hours which John Helme so narrowly missed last year but a full minute ahead of second placed Ed Weedowe, with another seven minutes before Harvey Lord arrived in third position. Sue Richmond demonstrated a praiseworthy triumph of mind over matter by resolutely ignoring her prawn-infected digestive system to come home as first lady, with Kathleen Aubrey only five places behind her as second lady and Janet Grantham another six places behind in third.

Mention must be made of Roger Ashby, who at 74 and in conditions not as good as last year's, managed to take over twenty-four minutes off his time – respect !! Black Combe very definitely took the team prize with a miserly eleven points, while Pennine claimed the ladies' team and while on this topic it was a little surprising that for some reason only six ladies ran this year as compared to eleven last year – be nice to see more ladies back for next year's race.

Only one runner became temporarily embroiled in the massive hound-trail in Miterdale and only one other runner had to take a detour to avoid a small flock of sheep in the gathering south of Scafell, both events which had caused me needless anxiety in the lead-up to the race.

The two Scafell summit marshals did keep their resolution to make their chosen checkpoint a gourmet paradise but the prawn carbonara and twelve rashers of bacon had, fortunately, been cooked and eaten before the runners arrived. They and the rest of the marshalling/officiating team have my deep gratitude for their commitment and efforts and Tony Steel, Tom Postlethwaite, Gareth Thornley, Martyn Merckel and Sam Stalker have many, many thanks for their invaluable contributions to the race. Brook House was warm and welcoming, the beer was excellent and it is in every way a superb registration, prizegiving and post-race socialising venue.

I hope you all enjoyed yourselves and look forward to seeing you again around the same time next year.        Dave Jones