Boars's Head Hill Race      Wednesday June 8th 2016     Results

Despite the storm which raged through the afternoon all the time Rich Mellor was marking the route out and making modifications because of new fences and gates (many, many thanks for this), by the time the race started it was a midge-free, blue sky and white fluffy clouds evening which gave excellent conditions throughout – with the exception of the small but waist-deep, nauseating paper-waste bog which a few people chose to sample rather than follow the diversionary flags.

Even though the conditions were good there was little chance of the records going because of the ad hoc route alterations but there was nevertheless some very fast-paced running and a notable number of sprint finish contests.

Tom Bush and Nat Winfield had a private Pennine battle at the front for most of the race, with Tom holding it down the final descent to claim first place, with Nat second and Dave Bethell third – where does "Team Raidlight" come from ??

Holly Martin, also of Pennine, had a fine run to notch up the first Ladies' place from Angela Markley with Diane Bygrave finishing third and also first LV – apologies are due here because Fiona Johnson's time and Diane's were transposed on the finish labels, hence the prizegiving announcement was incorrect; the ones below are amended.

The Men's Team was taken by Pennine and the Ladies' by Macclesfield.

Everyone appeared to enjoy themselves both on the race and in the Boar's Head afterwards and I'd like to thank you all for coming along and also to thank all our friends and Club colleagues for giving up their evening to contribute to the race organisation – very much appreciated.

Hope to see you again next year,     Dave Jones