Trail Race up the Beast       Wed 7th June       Results

Wednesday’s conditions were not the best for a fell race, with temperatures reaching 27.5oC on the car thermometer on the way to the race HQ. The forecast for the evening was hot with a chance of showers, and that wasn’t wrong. The thunder rumbled across the Bryn Alyn peaks during registration, eventually finishing with a heavy downpour 15 mins before the start.

The hot and humid conditions however did not put the 79 runners off this year’s challenge of ‘the Beast’, with the hot and humid conditions resuming just before the start horn.

First back for the men’s race was Lowrence Eccles from Penny Lane Striders in an impressive time of 38.40. Second placed was Jez Brown in 39.06, also taking the V40 win, in a time of 39.06. Third male on the night was Rossendale Harriers runner Steven Corbishley in 39.22.

The male V50 price went to Paul Shannon from Tattenhall runners in 48.36 , V60 was Robert Wood from Liverpool Penbrook in 50.44and Buckley’s very own John Morris took the V70 win in a time of 55.26. In the ladies race Laura B Hughes from Helsby finished in first place, also taking V40 win, in a time of 50.30. Then, only 6 seconds later, Susan Fairie from Chester Tri finished in a time of 50.56. Third place was taken by Karon Forster of Spectrum Striders in 51.20,with Karon also taking top spot in V50.

Buckley runners maintained their position for most turned out club, taking the prestigious prize of a sack of potatoes.

Thanks to the Miners Arms, all the helpers and marshals that without races like this would not be able to take place, and the continued support from NEWSAR and WFRA.

I hope to see you all soon out on the fells, happy running, Dan.