Run Around Rhes y Cae

6-7 years 0.73km, climb 10 metres
8-9 years 1.6km, climb 30metres
10-11 years 2.88km climb 40metres
12-13 years 3.61km climb 70 metres

We had bright sunny weather for the first of the three Clwydian junior series at Rhes y Cae. It was great to welcome new runners and see previous runners tackling longer runs as they go up the age groups. Freya Davis stormed home 3:31 in an all female field. In the8-9 year old race, Kes Thomas just beat Martha Owens who took the girl's prize. There was a fight to the finish between Tom James and Tom Holmes in the 10-11 year olds' race, Tom James coming in first. Lily Davis' time was very impressive given her rather circuitous route choice. Eleanor Partington did very well in her first fell run but didn't quite do the full route so first prize went to Madison Davis in the 12-13 category.

Points are awarded for each race in the series of three.

The next race will be on 9th May.