Dedicated Website for Ras Mynydd Troed 29th April 2012
Pics from Alastair     Results
Very strong winds, freezing rain and fallen trees caused the organisers to shorten the race by missing out the second hill, Mynydd Llangorse.

Runners, and certainly marshals, felt the benefit of the reduced exposure to the elements, although the short cut up a narrow lane was described by some runners as running against a river torrent with occasional diversions round or through fallen branches.

Chosen this year as the first race in the inov-8 WFRA Open Welsh Champs, and also as the Welsh Inter Regional Champs, 81 runners from all over the Principality made the hazardous journey to the Black Mountains.

Representing the North, Tim Davies headed the South’s Hugh Aggleton and Mark Palmer, with East’s Paul Murrin in 4th. Against very strong opposition the South Wales boys, with Gareth Green and Rhodri Evans at 10th and 11th, took the Inter Regional Title ahead of the East and North teams.

Katie Beecher took the women’s trophy and with her South Wales colleagues – Alyson Hayes, Julia Becker, Angharad Rees - collected the IR medals just one point ahead of the East team of 2nd and 3rd placers Niki Morgan and Vanessa Lawson, and Naomi Law.

Organiser’s and Runners thanks and respect go to intrepid marshals Kay and Martin Lucas, and to John Darby who also flagged the tricky first descent.

Helpers Jess Taylor, John Chidlow, Andy Creber, Paul Symons and Mark Harvey are also heavily in the event’s debt.      Dick Finch