Arenig Fawr Sun 2nd October       Pics by Alastair       Pics by Esyllt       Results

This was the 6th anniversary of the race in its present form. Participation was by far the lowest ever, just 32 runners! It would appear that not even the plentiful prizes and the masses of drinks, soup and cakes can tempt many fell runners to venture into wild Wales for a race. Perhaps the remoteness of the place and lack of facilities are strong factors. Martin Cliffe won the race closely pursued by Ed Gamble. Not far behind was Jackie Lee, who came in less than a minute from Helen Fines’ record time.
The weather was mild with high cloud cover and a pleasant breeze that made for ideal race conditions. Team Dolly, as always, were out in force manning the checkpoints. My thanks to them and all the helpers and also to Running Bear for providing prizes at a generous discount. Next year the race will take place on Sunday 7th October.
Yiannis Tridimas 03/10/2011