Gladstone 9 Sun 14th August           Pics from Alastair        Pics from Pete MacMillen       Results

After several soggy days, the weather was ideal, & rather glorious for the first running of this race under the new trio of organisers.
Many Eryri runners came in for their share of the glory, with exceptional results being achieved by first man Llyr Pierce in a new record of 1.15.24 and first lady and 11th overall Andrea Rowlands (1.26.05). Congratulations to all 84 finishers (& 2 dogs!!) and thanks to Team Dolly and all the marshals and helpers. We were very grateful for the generous sponsorship from XrayMins and Fletcher Poole estate agents which enabled excellent photo prizes, framed by Scott Butterworth of Bernards, to be presented. We also owe a huge vote of thanks to the staff of Gladstone pub for their hospitality and cooperation. We are pleased to be able to report that the Snowdonia Society & Diabetes UK will benefit from our profit!
Finally a reminder that since this was medium category race, there were full kit requirements as well as a responsibility for runners to possess navigation skills.