Push up the Pincyn        Pics from Alastair        Results

This year’s race was blessed once again by fantastic weather and a field of 50 runners.

From the outset the pack was led by Neil Parry, Jez Brown, Mark Williams (originally of Ruthin now Kuala Lumpur) and young James Ellis, who chopped and changed the lead. Neil was hoping for a second win at the Pincyn but was beaten into third by a very strong Mark. Mark managed to get himself geographically mis-located so had to settle for 2nd to the ever fresh Jez with a new course record of 44:38. James came home some 30 seconds ahead of first vet 50 Adam Haynes of Eryri to take 4th and 5th.

Holding her position from the off, Andrea Rowlands smashed 6 minutes off the course record in 48:58. In-form Lisa Grantham finished a comfortable second, well ahead of previous course record holder Ruth Metcalf.

While first local male Steven Donnelly came in 6 seconds slower than 2010, first local lady Moyna Richey took a full 8 minutes off her previous best.

It was great to see John Morris take Vet 60 and Claire Riley Vet 40. Last year was a totally different race for them both. The 2010 race saw Claire taken to hospital with a badly cut leg having been helped by John on the course.

Alastair Tye’s pictures of ‘The Bale’ offer comedy gold in the various techniques used to negotiate the monster!

Massive thanks, as ever, to the many marshals and land owners for a great race which makes the village show special.