Gogbatch Gallop & Relay       Wed 1st June       Results       Pics from Alastair

A great evening for this slightly unusual race which is aimed at giving juniors a chance to experience Fell running. The course is designed carefully with more downhill than up and is just over 1.5 kms with about 160 metres of ascent and 223 m of descent( all ready for the metric calendar!). Runners have to enter as a pair with 16 being the lower age for an “adult” runner; as you can see from the results the times are adjusted so their ages can be taken into consideration. No need to worry as all get some chocolate and go home smiling. As can be seen from the pictures there is plenty of fire in their bellies!

Much effort has been put into the Shropshire races this season with the aim of encouraging juniors to participate (and parents to share their fun). Our thanks go all the race organisers for their combined efforts and so there are juniors who have been entering all our races and seek more….

Next year the race will start at 7.00 so that Prize giving will be in the sunshine; see you then.
Jan & Rick