Ras Mynydd Swtan    Pics from Pete MacMillen

A beach start for the third Mynydd Swtan race. Cool conditions with cloud at the summit - unusual for the Ynys Mon hills ! As one of the runners commented " It's a short blast of a race ". Craig and Paul were neck and neck all the way until Craig finally pulled away on the descent. Morgan Evans had a superb run to finish third (1st Junior) and Sarah Livett was first female in a time which will take some beating , as will Tony Hulme's brilliant Vet 60 time.
Many thanks to all the marshalls/helpers , Cyfeillion Swtan for refreshments and help and to the farmers/National Trust for permission.

1.   Craig Jones   Eryri   15.00   V40
2.   Paul Jenkinson   Eryri   15.16   V40
3.   Morgan Evans   Menai   16.08   Jnr
4.   Steven Farrar   Cybi   16.24   V40
5.   Gareth Williams   Cybi   16.25
6.   Tony Hulme   Wilmslow   16.27   V60
7.   Sarah Livett   Menai   16.38  
8.   Louise Emery   Eryri   17.23   
9.   Philip Pilbeam   Cybi   17.30
10. Jamie Smith   U/A   17.59   Jnr
11. Dan Williams   Eryri   18.04
12. Bronwen Jenkinson   Eryri   18.51   Jnr
13. Ian Rothery   Cybi   18.52   V50
14. Dei Williams   Cybi   19.02   V40
15. Alexandra Fletcher   Eryri   20.04
16. Alwyn Williams   Eryri   20.31   
17. Alan Kennet   U/A   25.29   V60
Steve Pilbeam.