Llangynhafal Loop 27th March                  Pics from Alastair         Results

Borrowdale runner Morgan Donnelly escaped from the Lake District to knock over a minute off Tim Davies' record to win from Anthony Smith and Martin Cliffe.
A great run from Warrington AC junior Rachel Jefferson gave her the ladies title and a fine run from junior James Ellis, also of Warrington AC, brought him home in 8th place overall.
More runners than expected and we ran out of entry forms and numbers but managed to improvise. Prize giving back at the pub was the usual fun with Rhian Pierce nabbing the gooseberry bush as her prize before I'd even taken it out of the car boot!,
John Morris won the garden gnome but then tried unsuccessfully to swap it with several other prizewinners.

Thanks to all the marshalls and helpers and to Al Tye and Pete Douglas for taking their usual batch of excellent photos.