WAUN FACH 11.07.09       Results

Conditions were good for Waun Fach (7m/2000') in the Black Mountains and Martin Shaw (Mynydd Du) made the best of them to win by 3 min 32 sec- all the more impressive with this being just a week after knocking 9 minutes off Lloyd Taggart's Rhinogs record.

Griffithstown Harriers were well represented and successful, with Dimitri Vorres taking overall 2nd and 1st MV40, and Steve Davies, who started fell running just 3 months ago, 1st M50 and 8th overall. Chepstow were also out in force. Improving junior Matthew Stott finished 3rd overall.

Senior women were outnumbered 7 to 1 by vets- Angela Jones (FV40) from Brecon AC was the first woman home and Sue Ashton suffered a rare FV50 defeat from her Chepstow clubmate Gill Stott.