Pics from Gwynfor                          Moel Hebog                         Pics from Alastair Tye
Moel Hebog - Saturday 13th June Weather conditions were warm and dry with sunny intervals. The course was changed this year to avoid the railway which had recently opened. There was a good turnout of 57 seniors and 14 juniors. The Junior race was a counter in the Snowdonia Series. Lloyd Taggart ran away from the rest of the field to finish 5 minutes ahead of the second runner in an excellent time of 47 minutes and 9 seconds. Thanks to Y Warws of Beddgelert who donated the prizes and to Glaslyn Ices who gave free ice creams to all Senior runners. Thanks also to Aberglaslyn Mountain Rescue and everyone who assisted on the day. Ross Powell

Results        Pics from Pete Macmillen