MOUNTAIN RUNNING NEWS   Pipe Dream     Sat 1st March   Dolgarrog   Results

After shocking weather the previous day I was concerned for the turnout, but a lull in the rain and a slight drop in wind encouraged a record turnout for this year’s event; helped no in small way by a large contingent of Pennine Fellrunners who just happened to be lurking in the area.
This year we had a new sponsor in the shape of The Lord Newborough restaurant in Dolgarrog, and I’m grateful for their generosity. Hopefully we can continue this partnership.
The race went smoothly with no one getting lost or injured which made a pleasant change!

There was some strong competition up front for the men which produced a new record of 35.54 by Mathew Roberts of Eryri. Seven seconds separated the next two who were Mathew Gilbert of Wrexham and Simon Coldrick of Pennine in third, which later produced a good cheer from that crew.
Despite no very close competition from other ladies Anna Frost managed to knock well over 3 minutes off the ladies record. She finished 8th overall in 38.21, a time which I suspect will stand for a while.
The event was once again marshalled by Team Dolly without whom I couldn’t organise the race. Also thanks to Rita and the other ladies for keeping everyone fed and watered; Geoff and Sheila for registration and timekeeping.
I’m pleased to say that the race has once again contributed to Dolgarrog Community Centre to the tune of £100.


Pipe Dream Slideshow from Pete MacMillen and Team Dolly Show 2