MOUNTAIN RUNNING NEWS   Clwydian Hills Race     Results  Photos by Jim Alcock

As forecasted a cold front moved over the Clwydians on Saturday, bringing drizzle and clag just as I was putting out markers. But Sunday dawn brought a clear, sunny sky, which remained throughout the day giving a good day in the hills for both runners and NEWSAR members who were marshalling the event.

Rich Roberts (Eryri) was never troubled to take the men’s prize while Sally Newman (Calder Valley) was first lady home. Roger Lamb (Mercia) and Graham McAra (Cheshire Hill Racers) were the first vet 40 and vet 50 men respectively to finish.

The originator of the race John Morris (Buckley) was the first M60 home, with local runners taking 2nd. and 3rd. M60 places. A few runners would be advised to take either the WFRA or FRA navigation courses.

A special word of thanks is due to the NEWSAR members who forgo a fine day in the hills to provide both runners and team members with refreshments after the race.
Peter Taylor.