Ras Arenig Fawr       Sunday 2nd August 2015     Results

This was the eleventh running of the Arenig Fawr race and the third year of the new and extended route. Arenig Fawr, like a number of other hills in south Snowdonia, is isolated and surrounded by wild lowlands. Race headquarters is at a disused railway siding, next to the old Arenig quarry. Race entry fee is kept low and refreshments, food and homemade cakes are provided free. Race day weather was mild clear and breezy. Participation was one of the lowest ever with 32 runners registered, all of whom finished in under 3 hours. Comments about the course have always been very favourable but the increased toughness of the race over the original shorter course has obviously put off a significant number of runners.

Parts of the race route are fairly complex and require careful navigation. A pre-race recce will definitely give an advantage and save time. It is noted that although there was good visibility, some runners lost time in the transition between checkpoints 1 and 2 by climbing high rather than following an easier contour line.

Next year the race will be run on Sunday July 31st.
Yiannis Tridimas