Waun Fach       Sat 18th July      Photos by Gill Stott

Waun Fach Fell Race        July 18th 2015      Results

Race numbers at Waun Fach were down this year by 25%. This could not have been for the weather, which was perfect for mountain running: sunny and with a cool wind plus perfect visibility. Perhaps it was due to a calendar clash with the Snowdon International event, but as was pointed out by more than one participant, Waun Fach is off the beaten tourist track and very much a race for the connoisseur.

So 32 connoisseurs took to the ragged start line at the Riding Centre at precisely 2 pm and all made it back to the finish at Castle Hill. Ben Moon came in ahead of the field – not only nigh on 5 minutes ahead of second man Patrick Woodisse, also of MDC, but actually out of sight of the rest of the pack from the timekeepers` viewpoint. This is highly unusual because the whole of the Dragon`s Back descent can be seen from the Castle finish.

The field came in thereafter in a steady flow over only a 30 minute period. This was a relief for the organisation since Ben had reported losing at least 20 seconds in searching for the boulder marking the summit. It had gone. Vandals, souvenir hunters? Enquiries with the locals brought no explanation. Since there was no marshal posted at this point all did well to come home in good order.

The organiser`s thanks go to Dick Finch, Gerry Ashton and John Cridlow for timekeeping; Andy Creber for course marking, Vanessa Lawson, Andy Stott and Dave Austin for marshalling. And to the Riding Centre for hosting the event again and for flushing two horses out of the parking field at the last minute.