Hot Foot Up Famau     Wed 17th June     Results

A record field of 117 runners from both sides of the border turned out for this year's Hotfoot up Famau, no doubt lured by the good conditions and the promise of a facilities-free race HQ at Bwlch Penbarras. A lot cooler than last year, not too much bracken on the course and a hint of rain in the air. In form Rob Grantham (Pensby) got quite close to the male record, closely followed by David Parker (Wrexham AC) and former winner Jez Brown (Buckley).

In the female race, a fine performance by Caitlin Rice (Glossopdale) saw her hold off the challenge from Lisa Grantham (Pensby) and Alice Robinson (Tattenhall).
Neil Shepherd (Bowland) was first M50, Anne Rosbottom (Pensby) first F40. Andy Robinson (Helsby) won a competitive M60 category, with John Morris (Buckley) romping round a course that suits his talents to win first V70. Brenda Tiedtke (Prestatyn) was first F50 and Steph Charman (Spectrum) first F60.

Many thanks to all the runners, as well as the superb marshals, sweepers and time-keepers who all gave up their evening for the minimal reward of cheap wine, beer and tea cakes.     Simon Roberts