Ras Y Moelwyn       Saturday 18th April      Results

There was a record turnout this year as the race was a counter in the British Championships, inov-8/WFRA Open Welsh Championships and Cotswold Outdoor North Wales Series. The race took place under cloudless skies with a stiff cool breeze on the summits. Photo is of race leaders Matt Roberts and Morgan Donnelly approaching summit of Moelwyn Bach. Full results will appear on this website as soon as they are available.

Tim Budd's Blog

Moelywns was a blast, as you'd expect, though I really didn't feel as good as last year. Unfortunately it also broke my run of coming 6th in every Welsh race this season... but if I came 6th in a British counter... well, that would have been a bit of a turn up for the books.
Moelwyns Blog Tim