Pen Tir Drop (*) – Saturday 14 February, 2pm BS 6.8km/350m 4.2 miles/1150ft PM      Results      Pics from Liz Symons

A nice, dry day with light breezes for a run from Cwmdu up over Pen Tir on Valentines day.
First man home in 31mins. 53secs. was Mark Palmer MV 50 of Mynydd Du with Ben Moon of MDC second in 33mins. 28secs., bearing the scars of a close encounter with lots of gorse and brambles. They were closely followed by Andrew May, unattached, in 33mins. 34secs. First lady and 11th overall in 39mins. 46secs. was Niki Morgan FV 40 of Chepstow Harriers with Lucy Baker of MDC, second in 41mins. 30secs. Third lady in 44mins. 4secs. was Amy Jones of TACH.

At the finish, a choice of eight fabulous cakes created by Co-Race organiser Karen or heart shaped Welsh cakes cobbled together by the other RO plus tea and coffee, was the reward for the 29 souls who ventured forth and made it back to base. A few took the short route back through the gorse and brambles. They were the ones with scratched, red striped, lacerated legs ! You can't tell these old gnarled runners; they know best ! Grateful thanks to Niki who helped Karen at Registration and results, Andy Creber for cramming the cars onto the car-park and Andy Blackmore who stood guard on the gate leading onto the hill both in and out. No livestock escaped ! (the runners scared the life out of them !!). Thanks also to Kay and Martin Lucas who were our marshals on the hill, Martin getting a run in as sweeper. We'll be there again next year !          Gareth Jones (Race Organiser)