Corndon "Three Peaks" Classic (9.3km/565m), Priestweston, Sun 21st Dec.        Results    Photos from Charlie Leventon

The shortest day and a truncated morning for racers as the start time had, at short notice, been brought forward an hour from the advertised 12 noon. No matter, because while a few disappointed (and a couple of relieved looking) would-be competitors arrived expecting the later start and to whom we apologise, 72 made it to the starting line in time for the off, a turnout that compares well with previous years.

Maldwyn Harriers’ Tim Davies underlined his recent excellent form over the tough cross-country courses of the Herefordshire League by taking the win in a time of 45:43 with team mate Roland Stafford in third place (47:22) behind Dominic Jones of Mercia (46:00). In fact as both Tim and Rolie also swear allegiance to Mercia, our West Midlands friends might be forgiven for assuming a clean sweep were we magnanimous enough to let them do that on our home soil.

Young Billy Sterling of Mercia claimed the Men’s u23 award, an achievement all the more remarkable as he still has about eight years of competition left in that age group. His time of 47:47 was good enough for 5th overall, 16 seconds adrift of Simon Rowley (Clapham Chasers) who took the Senior Men’s accolade. At the other end of the age spectrum, Croft Ambrey’s Guy Whitmarsh scooped the M70 gong (62:46).

Merica’s Mel Price won the women’s race in a time of 49:25 for 13th place overall, ahead of Louise Barker (Aberystwyth) in 56:58 and Helen Skelton, representing Hangar 18 ORR (58:30).

With Maldwyn Harriers’ last race of the year over and done with there was nothing else to do but to retire to the Miners’ Arms for food, liquid refreshment, welcoming log fires and presentations. Our thanks then to the “mine hosts” and their locals for their hospitality and to everyone for supporting the event again this year and who helped make it such a success (and once more our apologies to those who fell foul of the late time switch). See you in 2015.

Ian Fraser         Maldwyn Harriers