Black Mountains        Sat 27th September       Results        Pics from Gill Stott

There was a large turnout as the race was a counter in the inov-8/WFRA Open Welsh Championships and South Wales Series (sponsored by Paul Fosh Auctions).

Well, what a shocking race it was for some! Even the local farmer Cliff did not know anything about the 2 strand electric fence across all of the face of the big climb to checkpoint 2. Andrew Blackmore kindly offered to marshall the small gate so that only a few hardy runners took the risk of electric shock by taking on the said fence. Maybe Katie Beecher - 1st lady (5th place overall) took on the fence, as she shot around in 2 hours 50 minutes 39 seconds, beating past multiple winner Jackie Lee by over 2 minutes.
First place and prolific winner of races this year was Hugh Aggleton. Ever youthful Mark Palmer was third and first over 50. Only 3 had to retire, should have been 4, but one brave male runner kept going and finished despite a bad head wound and had a very bloodied vest.

Thanks to all helpers, Les Williams, Chris and Jess Taylor, Llanbedr local - Steve, John B and son, Dick Finch, John Chidlow, St Peters School, Nicky and burger van guy - for the tasty bacon butties and anybody else who helped and I have missed.         John Darby

Black Mountains Race 27th September 2014


Overall winner of the Black Mountains race was Hugh Aggleton, MDC in 2:29:07 (pictured) with first lady - Katie Beecher, Les Croupiers in 2:50:39 in an incredible 5th place overall.