Two Hill Forts         Sun 17th August 2014       Results







We managed to stay fairly dry for the second running of 2 Hillforts. In bright and breezy conditions, a field of 46 runners took to the starting field beside the pub and sped off towards the heather-clad hills. Soon the fields gave way to the start of the long climb up to Penylcoddiau and Martin Cliffe of Eryri led the field up the initial road section. It was a lead he was to keep throughout, though he was chased hard by Pennine's Richard Houghton who took 2nd. Buckley's Simon Edwards completed the top 3 in 73:05.
A strong finishing Vic Belshaw took 4th and the 1st M50 spot.
Then came the winning lady, Helsby's Jayne Joy in 5th – with her time of 74:06 breaking the ladies recording by over 3 minutes. Second place in the womens race went to Pat Peers of Pensby, just ahead of Wirral's Caroline Hall in 3rd.
Other male category winners were MOPEN Ben Fletcher (Delamere), M40 Kelvin Dickenson (Wirral) and M60 David Say (Denbigh).
Female category winners were FOPEN Alexandra Fletcher (Eryri), F40 Louise Waywell (Pensby), F50 Kim Braznell (Mercia) and F60 June Morgan. Well done to everyone who negotiated a challenging route.

Thanks to all marshals and competitors and I hope to see you all next year.