Steam Bunny Stomp     Saturday 10th May     Results

We thought conditions last year were bad but this year proved to be far worse with strong winds and persistent rain. It was not possible to setup the registration tent and we had to adlib setting up registration in an old bus shelter.

Conditions were that bad that some runners turned up for registration but decided not to run and returned home. Despite this 36 runners brave souls set off to confront the demanding course and atrocious weather, there was one casualty early on (calf strain) this runner pulled out and returned to the start/finish without further mishap. Due to the conditions no records were broken this year and a time limit was set at the first check point to ensure marshals were not left out on the open mountain longer than necessary.

The last 2 runners cut short at the 1st checkpoint returning home with the marshals, 1 runner got slightly lost but managed to find his way home. All other runners returned home safe and sound but washed out.

A big thank you to all marshals for their support and commitment in such atrocious conditions.