Sugar Loaf     Sat 19th April 2014     Results

It was a cloudy cold start to the day but the sun soon broke through as the runners gathered on the start line. The 2014 Sugar Loaf fell race saw a record number of entries, with 137 runners registering on the day. It was planned for a bottle of Sugar Loaf ale to be handed to each finisher as they crossed the line however only 100 bottles were ordered, so runners were encouraged at the start to 'run for their beer' as there would not be enough to go around.
The course record was very nearly broken with Hugh Aggleton taking the lead but being overtaken on the descent by Robert Barnby with Pete Ryder not too far behind in 3rd. Mark Palmer took first Vet 50 and the first 4 runners finished with less than 60 seconds between them.
The ladies’ race was a clear cut win by Hannah Jarvis , again less than a minute between her time and the course record. Niki Morgan was a few minutes behind in second closely followed by Emily Hoffman. First FV40 was Lou Summers.
Team prizes went to Mynydd Du for both the ladies’ and the men’s teams. Thanks to all the marshals and helpers on the day.     Emma Bayliss