The Blorenge     Sat 30 Nov 2013    Results     Pics from Gill Stott    Stews Welsh Pics

Photos from Jane Aggleton

Photo from Gill Stott

Photos from Jane Aggleton

Brilliant late Autumn sun and a crystal blue sky dazzled the 68 runners as they crested the Blorenge’s sharp edge after the 1,400 foot dark slog.

First-time fell racer Kit Grierson from down Devon way was first to the blockhouse turn- round, with past winner Paul Murrin of Chepstow leading club colleague Matt Stott and the rest of the chasing pack.

In a furious descent, places changed behind Kit but he stayed at the front with a final 10 second marshal over training partner Duncan Birtwistle, and another half-minute over Matt.

Paul Murrin took the M40 prize in 4th place, while Mark Palmer claimed the M50 in 5th.

Katie Beecher took the lead very early and built up a fair margin over 2nd placer Niki Morgan (F40 winner) and Rona Davies (F50 winner).

Steve Littlewood in 24th place had to work hard for the M60 award ahead of Neil Grant, while ever reliable Rob West took the M70 category.
Dick Finch