Nant y Moch Skyline Race      Sat 17th August      Pics from Alastair    Results
Route Map and Hints

There was a good turnout as the race was a counter in the inov-8 / WFRA Open Welsh Championships, North Wales Series (sponsored by Cotswold Outdoor) and South Wales Series

Well, what fun we had in the mid-wales murk for the first running of this forgotten classic ,since 2006. I always thought this route too good to lose,and so finally with so much help from my fellow organisers(thats right, the runners can't simply blame me this time!), Dave powell & Louise Barker from Aber A/C, the day finaly dawned.

The forecast was bad ,but as the race started off both the wind and the rain got progressively worse, until the last half of the course sounded a complete nightmare. As a race organiser this is your worst-case scenario, but thankfully all runners got back in good shape on the whole. Much talk about the raging gale battering Pumlumon, disco-dancing over tussock grass; some going in the rivers instead of through them and many & varied race lines, rang around the finish area. No one seened too upset by what had gone before, all full of the joys we've all experienced from the sport we love.

Pete Ryder got the win, pounding round in a creditable 208.52. the real race came behind him with the next 4 dashing home with barely a minute seperating them. It was great to watch through the mist as all 4 took a differant line over the last tump to scramble home. The same could be said about the leadind ladies Louise Barker edging it from Mel price by just 40 odd seconds. Fantastic running given the conditions. Throughout the field of 66 hardy souls, some good runs from the Mercia, Helsby and my own Maldwyn boys & girls. Well done all.

I simply cannot say a big enough thank you to all the Marshalls and Raynet radio boys for their endeavour, they were magnificent,enduring a truly foul day. Great thanks to Al Tye for turning out , the WFRA for putting this untested new-comer in their champs and once more to Dave & Lou for their enormous contribution.
We can't promise this one will be a yearly thing , but it will return once more.       Keep it Muddy        Paul Beeson.