Pen Y Fan     Saturday 13th July    Results

Hugh Aggleton

The hottest day of the year attracted 111 runners to Pen y Fan, the first half of the Brecon Fans Races. Morgan Barnes won the junior race with Lois Flower not far behind, and curlie wurlies were enjoyed by all.

In the main race, Harold Wyber from Springfield Striders (Chelmsford!) was first to the summit in 24:32, with Hugh Aggleton a few paces behind, but expert negotiation of the tricky section from the summit onto the steep slope saw Hugh nick the lead, holding on to finish 23 seconds ahead in 34:13.

Felipe Jones set the fastest decent of the day with 08:32, but this was not quite enough to catch Harold and he had to settle for third. A wobbly finish from Martin Shaw, suffering badly in the heat, secured 4th overall and 1st V40. Paul Jeggo from Springfield Striders improved on last year’s time to win the V50 category, and newcomer Mike Warrick from Rhayader AC was 1st V60 with the third fastest ever time for the category.

Niki Morgan

In the ladies race Niki Morgan of Chepstow secured a clear win with club mate Vanessa Lawson in second, Andrea Frost from Macclesfield Harriers taking 1st V40. Teresa Butchers from Tiverton won the v60 category, just failing to get under the hour as she had hoped, but still finishing halfway up the ladies field.

With many strong teams in the race, we initially awarded the men’s team prize to Springfield Striders… but once we’d hooked Rich Johnson up to the right club we found the winners were actually Mynydd Du, with Martin Shaw (4th), Rich Johnson (7th) and Sam Rhyall (15th). The ladies team was never in any doubt, Chepstow Harriers taking the honours with Niki Morgan (24th), Vanessa Lawson (40th), Helen Duffield (90th).

Thanks to the marshals who had a hot time on the hills, plus all those who helped and baked to make the day a success.
Thanks also to the race sponsors: Brecon Brewing, Pete Bland Sports, and Likeys. Crispin and Naomi

Pen y Fan Horseshoe     Sat 13th July 2013     Results

48 entrants found their way to Race HQ by the Neuadd Dam in time (4 more finally arrived rather later) for the start of this inaugural 7 miler taking in the traditional Brecon Beacons peaks.
The July heatwave had abated for the day and it was comparatively cool with light rain towards the end.
Young Jon Barnes was so keen to get to the finish that he missed out the first summit Fan y Big, freeing Mark Palmer to cruise round in 64 minutes, six minutes ahead of Dave Williams and Rich Johnson.
First woman Niki Morgan finished in 79.25, three minutes ahead of Helen Marshall, with first F50 Alice Bedwell a further five minutes back.
Other age winners were Crispin Flower, Dimitri Vorres and Chas Ryder.
First three in the competition for the fastest descent from Corn Du were Mark Palmer, Crispin Flower and Dave Williams.
A successful first running but organiser Andy Creber is mulling over whether the event may be modified in future years.
Dick Finch