Hot Foot Up Famau      Wed 19th June      Results

An astonishing run from Liam Burthem, who has just turned 16, saw him lead the race in the early stages. He slipped up slightly to let Karl Steinegger take the lead to win in the end. This was especially pleasing for Karl as he'd run the race for the last four years progressively improving his times - will he break the record next year? not if young Liam gets his skates on! Lisa Morley finished with a great big smile on her face as winner of the ladies race.

A record turnout included 15 from Pensby Runners who clearly enjoyed themselves and wished they'd brought their club dog and a batch of sandwiches. Thanks for all the help on the day from lots of volunteers who helped the event to go without a hitch apart from Peter Agnew's ankle which went before the top of the first climb - Sandra Rowlands nobly gave up her race to accompany him back to base demonstrating the true camaraderie of fell racing where looking out for each other is more important than beating each other.