Steam Bunny Stomp     Sat 11th May    Results

The weatherman was right about the short sharp showers and gusting winds, but none of the promised sunny intervals were experienced by the 46 starters. It was also pretty wet underfoot after recent rain, but both the records set last year were well beaten by the Chepstow winners.

Matt Stott led all the way, but Niki Morgan had quite a tussle with Les Croupiers’ Katie Beecher before drawing away on the halfway climb ‘up the gully’.

M40 Richard Johnson of Mynydd Du and Cardiff Ajax’s Krzystof Chrosieh followed Matt, while another Chepstonian Lou Summers was third woman.

Mr and Mrs Woods (Ade & Sharon) took the age 50 trophies while other category winners were Steve Littlewood, Rob West and Jane Bayliss.
Dick Finch