KYMIN FELL RACE 5 JAN 2013    Results

Local schoolmaster Huw Evans led Cardiff’s Les Croupiers club in their race-within-a-race mob match against Chepstow Harriers in this now well established early year opener to the fell season.
Huw said after that he was pleasantly surprised to get to the finish line ahead of Chepstow’s Paul Murrin after a neck-and-neck contest that saw Huw inch away as he reached family support at the top of the final climb to the Kymin Naval Temple and Round House. Chepstow’s Matt Stott took third place setting the stage for a ding-dong inter-club battle, 70 of the 121 entrants belonging to either club.
Jane Horler led the women’s race from start to finish with Chepstow colleague Niki Morgan and Les Croupier’s Claire Beatty and Marcia Smith following.
Pete Ward, Max Suff, Steve Herington and Alice Bedwell left the Mayhill pub with age category prizes after helping to demolish the sausage and chips post-race spread.
And the mob match? Well Chepstow outnumbered and outpointed Les Croupiers on this occasion. But next year ...?
Dick Finch 6 Jan 2013.