Jubilee Plunge      Sunday 30th December       Results        Pics from Alastair

The annual downhill dash from the summit of Moel Famau to the back garden of the Goldie saw strong support from far and wide. Meiryonnydd Running Club claimed three of the top nine placings and their front runner Ifan Richards was chased hard by Mercia's Roland Stafford but nicked it in the end by two seconds. Local club Denbigh Harriers turned out in force with 17 finishers, other clubs represented from North Wales included Maldwyn, Eryri, Menai, Prestatyn, Deestriders, Buckley, Wrexham, Clwydian, Abergele, Aberystwyth University and Caerwyn (?) Clubs from Lancashire, Cheshire and up the Wirral also appeared and Katie Ashcroft, from Warrington AC claimed the first ladies prize. On a blustery day the conditions were especially slippery but there were smiling faces all round at the finish. Among the contingent from Lancashire was Darren Fishwick completing his 100th race of the year!

Taking entries on top of a mountain in a gale is somewhat fraught and I would encourage everyone to either enter in the pub on the day or send me a pre-entry next year. We also had several runners who underestimated the time it would take to get to the start. You can see some of them still making their way to the start in this excellent video courtesy of Simon Hide!
You Tube Video
Martin Cortvriend