Push up the Pincyn     Sat 28th July    Results     Pics from Alastair

A big factor against the Push-up-the-Pincyn 2012 was the southerly jet stream, local farmers not being able to cut soaking silage on the usual show field meant a change of location for the start.
The new start point meant more mileage and more climb – what value for money.
Familiar faces from last year included the top 3 of Mark Williams, Jez Brown and Neil Parry.
A Benny Hill false start occurred when I replied to a question over the PA “NO”. The runners thought I said “GO”. Normality resumed and a mass start of 42 souls started the extra half mile of road section to the normal route to THE BIG BALE.
The bale was a beast this year at four foot high causing more comedy photo opportunities for Al Tye.
Hitting the track leading to the Pincyn it was a close pack of four consisting of Jez B, Mark W plus Eryri boys Martin Cliffe and Iwan Morton. Their ascent of the Pincyn was made interesting as the heavens opened onto the steep muddy slope to the top. The going through the forest sections was challenging on wet exposed tree roots but the top 4 remained close.
There were some sterling efforts from more senior runners as V50 Vic Belshaw, Denbigh, who pushed a blistering pace as did fellow Denbigh V60 Martin Cortvriend and V70 Peter Roberts of Buckley.
The ladies were again led by Andrea Rowlands with Pincyn new girl Jayne Joy from Helsby trailing a couple of minutes behind. The finish remained close with the same 4 men finishing within a minute or so of each other. Mark made up for getting …confused...and second last year with a strong finish to win. Iwan managed to take Martin in the home straight for a well deserved 3rd to Jez Brown in second.
Willem V. Prooijen made an other appearance from Holland to give the occasion an international feel.
Many thanks to Jackson Fire & Security, Mold, for sponsoring this year’s race and, as ever the marshals and landowners.